понедельник, 25 марта 2013 г.

color maniac

MANIC PANIC hair color and cosmetic company was founded in 1977 by 2 super cool punk sisters - Tish and Snooky, they were also singers from Blondie. Tish and Snooky were the 1st ones, who have opened the punk shop in New York. Of course their shop got popular very fast, and  in time it became the great brand.

It's my favorite hair color brand, and not only my, millions of people use that, and not only girls, boys too. Even stars use manic panic, like Katy Perry, Rihanna and Jared Leto.  I use it all the time:) My favorites are atomic turquoise and hot hot pink.
The best thing, that the hair color don't  damage your hair and the colors are awsome!))

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