воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Natasha Zinko autumn13-winter14

Natasha Zinko has graduated from Central Saint Martins 

College of Art & Design in London, UK with a Bachelor of 

Arts Honours recognition for Jewellery Design.

Red Head

Moscow. VVC. Rainy day. Me. Red head.

 To make photos we choose my favorite place in Moscow-VVC, it's always nice in here, music everywhere, smell of popcorn and candies, side-shows, show-rooms. It's the best place not only for children, but for adults too.

It's few months till Autumn and I have decided to make a new hair colour of bright red.

Elvira "t Hart"

Young and creative fashion designer Elvira "t Hart" is known for her unique things. She displays not only her sketches to all review, but suggests to wear it.

четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

Olga Malyarova

Olga Malyarova 
very talented Russian Fashion Designer.
At the age of 25 she has a brilliant career of fashion designer, two beautiful children and a good husband.
Her designs are incredible.
You can see it yourself!;)

среда, 26 июня 2013 г.


Moscow cosmO

One day I have decided to go to Alley of Cosmonauts in Moscow.
It's very nice place by the way! With great memorials.
My outfit and make up is inspired by this place.
Derby by Kangol
Bag by Emily the strange
My favorite jacket by Zara, it's the best thing I've got when I was in St. Petersburg.
Schoes by Demonia.

пятница, 10 мая 2013 г.

GIVENCHY Resort 2013

Геометрические формы, приглушенные цвета, восточный орнамент, все это есть в новой коллекции GIVENCHY RESORT 2013. 
Всего было представлено 39 луков. Я выложу лишь те луки, что произвели наибольшее впечатление, которые не могут остаться без внимания ценителей.